Privacy policy


Your privacy is important

This Privacy Policy describes how Streamline Financial Solutions (SFS) ABN: 97 734 158 collects, processes and handles your Personal Information.


SFS recognises maintaining the privacy of your Personal Information matters to you, and is committed to protecting your Personal Information.


This Privacy Policy outlines the types of Personal Information we collect, how we use it, with whom we may share it, the means by which we protect it, and who you can contact should you have an inquiry or complaint. 




Australian (formerly, 'National') Privacy Principles ("APPs") are part of the Privacy Act 1988 and regulate the way in which organisations may collect, use or disclose an individual's Personal Information.


Personal Information means information or an opinion (whether or not true, and whether nor not recorded) about an identified individual, or about an individual who is reasonably identifiable.


Personal information that relates to an individual's own characteristics, beliefs or affiliations is known as 'sensitive information' and will only be collected with your consent or when it is required by law.


Collection of your personal information

SFS's main business activity is to provide a bookkeeping service to individuals.


We collect Personal Information necessary for us to perform functions associated with our business activities. These functions include administering your account.


Information collected from you and your use of our services

We will collect Personal Information directly from you, unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so. Collection of Personal Information is conducted in the following ways:

  • Information that you give us when you register with us online;
  • Submission of SFSs Financial Fact Form;
  • Emails sent by you to our employees;
  • Telephone conversations, Skype exchanges and any other media exchanges;
  • Cookies when you use our website.

The types of Personal Information we collect depend on the product or service you receive from us. We may ask you for the following information, depending on the products or services you use:

  • Your name, phone number, street and email address.
  • Your credit card number or bank account details for payment.
  • Demographic information, such age bracket, and how you heard about us.
  • Important financial information needed for implementation.


Where a third party gives us information about you

Should a third party give us unsolicited Personal Information about you, we will within a reasonable period determine whether or not we could have collected the information directly from you or it is in a Commonwealth record and, if not, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify that information unless the law otherwise requires.

You have the right to ask us to let you know the source of your Personal Information. So long as a response is not impracticable or unreasonable, we will reply to you within a reasonable period without cost to you.


Use and disclosure of your personal information

We understand the importance of protecting your privacy. Any information that we collect about you will be used to perform the functions associated with our business activities, including to provide you with financial information services or tools that have been requested or subscribed to.


Credit card information

Your credit card details are encrypted and securely stored by Direct Payment Solutions Australia Pty Limited to allow your credit card to be billed on a recurring basis.

SFS does not store your credit card details and they cannot be accessed by SFS employees. 


Direct marketing

We may use your Personal Information to provide you with information about other products and services that we or our related companies offer from time to time (direct marketing).

If you do not want to receive direct marketing from us or our related companies, contact us on 02 9589 3087 or by email:


Related entities and outsourcing

We will not make the Personal Information gathered using our products and services available to anyone outside of SFS or its related companies except as instructed by you or where required by or permitted by Law.


We may disclose your Personal Information to our related companies, but only so those related companies can assist us with functions relating to our business activities.


If we use third-party service providers, these service providers may have access to your Personal Information to perform contractually specified services on our behalf. 


Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites for you to access. You should be aware that the privacy policies of the operators of those other sites may not be the same as ours and you should refer to their own privacy policies.


Security and quality of personal information

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any Personal Information about you which we hold is:

  1. Secure: protected from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure; and
  2. Appropriate: accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading having regard to the purpose for which it is held.


Your Personal Information may be kept in soft copy at our Sydney premises and backed up using recognisable and reputable cloud-based providers.


In general, Xero’s employees can only access your information if invited by you.


For Xero’s privacy policy go to


For Sharesight’s privacy policy go to


We restrict access to Personal Information to our employees, and contracted third party providers who need to know that information in order to process it for us and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations. They may be disciplined or their contract terminated if they fail to meet these obligations. Our access to your Personal Information is limited to the following principals of SFS and your account manager. We will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify Personal Information if we no longer need it for any authorised purpose and are not required by law to retain it.


Use of cookies

A cookie is a small file which can be downloaded on a device when you access our website and is then sent back to our website each time you access our website. Cookies are useful because they allow us to recognise your device and your user preferences, gather basic tracking information (such as date, time of visit and preferences), and monitor the presentation of our site. This information allows us to personalise the user experience and improve the quality of our site navigation.


We also use analytical cookies, which allow us to recognise and count the number of users on our website and how users move around the site when they are using it. This helps us improve the way the website works, for example by making sure users can easily find what they need.


If you do not want us to collect cookies, you may set your browser to block cookies associated with our services, or to indicate when a cookie is being set by us. 


Access to your personal information

We will handle all requests for access in accordance with the APPs. In most cases, we will give you access to any Personal Information that we hold about you within a reasonable period and in the manner you request, if that is reasonable. In some cases, we may refuse access where requests are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort (for example, information that would involve developing a new system or significantly changing an existing practice), or which risk the privacy of others. We will provide you with reasons for any refusal. We may charge a reasonable fee for giving you access to your Personal Information, however at present we do not propose to make any charge.

To request access to your Personal Information please contact SFS– contact details are below.


Correction of your personal information

We appreciate any assistance you might give us to keep any Personal Information that we hold up-to-date, complete and accurate. If you want to update any Personal Information, you may do so by accessing the personal account information on our website or by contacting us:


Streamline Financial Solutions
Tel: 02 9589 3087


We will, on request, normally amend any of your Personal Information which is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date, irrelevant or misleading (without cost to you) where:

  1. we are satisfied that the information needs to be corrected; and/or
  2. we agree with your request that the information be corrected.

If we disagree with your request, we will email to inform you of our concerns about making the change you have requested, giving reasons for our refusal and notifying you of available complaint mechanisms. If you wish, we will then (at no cost to you and within a reasonable period), take reasonable steps to associate with the appropriate records of your Personal Information a statement that you claim the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date (whichever is relevant) and that you have requested a particular change.


Complaints process

If you have a complaint about how we handle your Personal Information, please contact SFS.


We will acknowledge your complaint within three business days of receipt and will seek to resolve your complaint within 20 business days of receipt.

If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you have the right to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). FOS is an external dispute resolution scheme authorised to deal with complaints in relation to the financial services industry including privacy. 


Changes to the privacy policy

As the Federal Government introduces new privacy legislation, this Policy will be reviewed and updated accordingly. We will also regularly review this Policy and may change it from time to time. The date at which this Policy was most recently updated is given above.



Should there be any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and applicable privacy legislation, this Privacy Policy shall be interpreted to give effect to, and comply with, such legislation.


Further information

More information on privacy legislation is available from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at