Cool Things


Xero App

There is a Xero app you can download for your smart phone or tablet. You'll be able to see the transactions that come through your accounts up to the prior day, check the correct application of the rules and click OK. Your finances will be up to date wherever you are and whenever you have a few minutes in the day.


Attach receipts to your transactions

Xero Cashbook allows you to attach receipts to your transactions to record them for tax purposes. It can also be very useful for tracking the retailer and warranty conditions for appliance purchases. You just take a photo of the document and attach it. We can show you how.


Share your finances with trusted advisers

Xero and Sharesight allow you to share your finances and portfolios by "inviting" your adviser and accountant to view. The data becomes readily available for them to review and analyse.  As your paperwork will be up-to-date, they can focus on the big picture – not the minutia.


Add notes to a transaction

Perhaps you are unsure if you can claim a certain expense? Add a note to the transaction in Xero Cashbook for a discussion with your accountant - such as "Do you think this is tax deductible?".


1GB of secure file storage

Xero Cashbook provides 1GB of secure file storage for all of your data and attachments. This should be ample for your needs.


"Tap and Go" makes allocation even easier

With the widespread availability of Tap and Go credit card payments, it is now even easier to ensure your purchases are allocated to the correct accounting category. Where you once might have paid for an item with cash, tap and go is fast and convenient. The transaction will come through your credit card statement into Xero Cashbook and a rule applied for easy allocation. This will reduce those transactions that might easily fall into the "Miscellaneous" category.


De-clutter your wallet

If you're like me and keep your credit card transaction receipts to check against your monthly credit card statement, you end up with a cluttered wallet or pieces of paper lying round. A daily feed of your credit card transactions into Xero Cashbook and regular reconciliation, means you don't need to wait until the credit card statement arrives to review your charges. If you need to query a transaction in your account, you can get straight on to it!